Sunday, October 11, 2009

Case 3

What to do:

Make the character move with Actionscript 3.0

Finally the fun begins!

I have never really done any sort of programming so this case was pretty... Scary, although the only thing the character was supposed to do was walk back and forth the screen. Started reading a bit in the book "Learning Actionscript 3.0" which really isn't such a good book to learn it from if you've never been doing any sort of programming before.

On thursday 24th of september I finally stepped properly into the world of Syntax Errors, and frustration when the whole class got tutoring in how to make the program you needed to solve the case. This was a interesting experience, cause you always think you have copied the text exactly, but you never have. You've always forgot a comma or something which screws up the program. It's kinda like learning french, just apart from that when you start learning french, if you're thought a simple way to as for directions or somthing, and ask a frenchman, he or she wil kinda understand what you're trying to say, and show you in the right direction, but if you asked Flash for directions and you did it in a way that wasn't 100% right, it will tell you that you spell bad and leave.

Anyhow, as I kept on writing script, I thought I finished, cause the program finally stopped telling me how much I suck at writing down commas, but ofcourse I was wrong. The character moved allright, even with animation, but when he got to the end of the screen, he just stopped, and didn't walk back as I wanted him to, but just stood there walking into nothing.

After too many hours at hom I finally solved the problem myself! And man what a feeling it was, having tried to look up in "Learning Actionscript 3.0" without any result at all, and trying and faling forever, I noticed a code in the script that was doing almost the same, copied it, and altered the names to mach the function I was trying to run, and then seeing him actually move backwards, and forwards, and backwards and forwards. It was unbelivable, I actually think I screamed a bit in joy of completing the case.

After that I went back to reading the actionscript book again, actually understanding a little more than I used to, and also tried to put new functions into my code, but as soon as I did that flash started yelling at me again. But it didn't matter that much cause the case was complete anyhow!


Case 2

What to do:

Animate the character from the previous case.

Have some experience doing this from 3D, so I'm used to walkcycles and key-frames!

Started of making some cycles, took a few tries to make something presentable, but I managed to make somthing that was... Far from flawless, but atleast ok. The Classic Tween system that I used for animating was really simple to use, so even though I made several cycles, it was pretty fast forward creating them, ofcourse that's propably also why I'm not totally satisfied with it.

After I was done with the presentable cycle, I continued making myself a sprite. This was a little bit confusing, cause every time I tried to copy the key-frames for the different parts of his body, to make him move the opposite way, some of the kyframes was always missing. After a frustrated hour and the help of a good friend I figured out how to do it right so when that was all over with it was just naming the different frames in the sprite and then this case was also complete.

A bit short, but I don't really know what more to say, it all worked out pretty smoothly... Apart from those stupid keyframes.

Case 1

What to do:

Come up with a game idea, and make a character ready for animation.

Pretty straight forward, the hard part was coming up with a decent game idea, all the coffee in the world didn't make it happen for me, however as I was sitting there listening to music, a song named "Rattlesnake Charlie" came on, and I figured that I might as well make a game based on that song rather than wasting more time drinking coffee.

So basically, the game idea is currently about a character named Rattlesnake Charlie, who is fleeing from the cops, while trying to get ready to play a concert.

Next thing to do was moddeling the character, which was pretty easy, wanted to use a different vector based program than flash for the drawing part, but I figured I might as well get acustomed to use it.

Drew a character at the bottom layer, and just traced it on new layers on top with PenTool, in order to save vector-points. I ofcourse did this to prevent my game from lagging when there are other characters, background, and... Stuff to pick up all geting rendered at the same time. After this was done, all that was left was to change the Pivot points, so that his legs and arms and, anything that can move will move in a natural manner.

In the end I was satisfied. Working with PenTool in flash was a pain in the ass, but apart from that this case was pretty simple.